Unleash Your Startup's Potential
Unleash Your Startup's Potential

The Ramen Profitable Approach

We help you harness the power of marketing, guiding you to become ‘ramen profitable’.

Our team of marketing gurus are experienced in the world of startups, using unconventional techniques to take your business from zero to hero.

Ditch the boring marketing and embrace something refreshing, exhilarating, and, most importantly, effective.

What they say about us

What they say about us


Founder of Productglowup

@indiehackademy helped me create a strategy to further validate my product and create a clear roadmap.
Kristian put so much time upfront - I'm speechless.

Anto P.

@indiehackademy helped me with positioning my brand and helped me create a sales funnel for my services. Kristian is THE GOAT for marketing.


Founder of MTLegal

Had an amazing call with @kmaticu from @indiehackademy for:

1)Improving my content

2)Sales Funnel

3) Optimizing my profile

4)Marketing the Legal Services

I've joined a lot of marketing calls in the past, but this one by far was the best.

If you need help with marketing, he's your guy.

Dr. Chris Ngo

Founder of Power up your pricing

Had an amazing discussion with @kmaticu today.

... He helped me with some positioning ideas as my brand develops. Lesson: By listening, only then can the right insight be given in context…

... I highly recommend having a discussion with Kristian. He points out things i never considered.

What do calls with us look like?

What do calls with us look like?

What do calls with us look like?

Ready to skyrocket your startup?

Ready to skyrocket your startup?

Ready to skyrocket your startup?